LARA at the Security and Smart Cities Development event in Seville
LARA project partners Hewlett Packard and ISOIN are launching the event ‘Security and Smart Cities Development’ which will be organized November 24 at the Escuela de Organización Industrial in Seville. The event which is sponsored by Hewlett Packard, Vodafone and the Andalusian Government will look into and discuss innovative management tools, technologies and future concepts to make our cities smarter, more sustainable and more secure. During the event a thorough presentation of the LARA system benefits will be presented and showcased to local stakeholders coming from different municipalities of Andalucía as well as the telecommunication industry. A list of speakers is presented below: Andalusian Government: Manuel Ortigosa Brun; Managing Director of Telecommunications & Information Society Antonio Cabello, Head of Service of Coordination of Public Administrations Alfonso Tena, Head of Service…